Aug 22, 2007


Montreal is lagging behind other cities when it comes to culture-related jobs, according to a new study released Tuesday by Statistics Canada.

The study looked at how many people worked in the cultural sector, over a 20-year period, compared to the total workforce.

It showed culture is becoming a bigger part of the Canadian economy.

But the big growth has been in the West, and, as a result, Montreal has fallen behind in the rankings.

"Montreal has to see that this is a wake-up call. We are not any more the city where culture was so important in Canada," said Simon Brault, head of Culture Montreal, an organization that promotes the economic aspect of culture.

Vancouver tops the list with the biggest cultural share of the workforce. Toronto is second, followed by Victoria and then Montreal.

Hans Freiken, director of the Quebec Film and Television Council, said, in spite of what the numbers say, Montreal has a healthy cultural industry, including a major movie sound stage. "So is that counted as a cultural statistic or an industrial statistic — that's one of the things you have to look at."(CBC News)

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